. . . REPORTS . . . IN A "POWER NEWS ALERT" . . .
"Don't worry! Amers are bankrupt; homeless; foreclosed; unemployed.Accrdng to "logic" past 17 yrs, "If we're all in it, then nobody's in it!" That's right, America, remember that? "If we're all doing it, then nobody's doing it"-remember that, California? Logic has come full circle
"Bottom up" culture in CA bragged abt violating discrim laws, violating folks in general, illegal social reversing, etc.over past 17 yrs. In CA over past 17 yrs "bottom up" culture bragged,"If we all do it, then nobody's doing it!" Now, unemplyd, bankrupt, pensionless, homeless
In CA, who is bragging now that the motto is,"If you're all unempl, bankrupt, homeless,pensionless, then. . . nobody is!" Is anyone using the same logic anymore? . . .
So, by their own "bottom up" logic & reasoning,Obama Admin. should no longer worry about their spec inter grp problems relat to this, right? Because, if they're all bankrupt,unempl, homeless/foreclosed,pensionless, then . . . "nobody is" . . . right?
What goes around, typically comes around, Californians . . . special interest groups . . . eh?
"Goodie 2 shoes"/"playing it straight" is now the rule, not the exception, eh, Californians? Let's get back to the 80s culture in CA & US
Unions, in CA & throughout the nation & global community, lets turn this page in history . . . and never look back . . .
To the UAW, I'll have you know that I "compromised" despite the past 17 yrs and supported Obama in support of you . . .
The UAW is the "only union in nation" now that is currently anywhere near being "functional" vs. "dysfunctional" in nation's recovery. . . . UAW . . . remember . . . "2016" . . . you need both "left shoe" & "right shoe" to make progress, not just 2 lft or 2 rt sides . . .
I believe that the "Democrat" & "Republican" . . . "brands" are "corporate brands" which have little meaning to "consumers" of politics. Major parties are essentially "corporations" whose "brands" are "dated & distrusted" by "U.S. consumers" . . .
More & more "U.S. consumers of political process" trust "Advanced Indep" as the "New Century Brand" in politics . . .
Corporate brands of "Republican" & "Democrat" have become "Old Century Brands" which symbolize dysfunction, bad products & services
"Old Century Brands" of "Republican" & "Democrat" symbolize corporate brands which do not "make good" on their promises . . .
As a result, "New Century Brands" such as "Advanced Independents" & "Tea Party Independents" have become "emerging brands" in politics
American experience when voting is "poll booth w/2 shoes boxes," each containing either 2 lft sides of shoes or 2 rt sides of shoes
Americans @ polling booth forced to take home w/them either "2 lft sides" or "2 rt sides" but never "one lft & one rt side" working for them
"Hey, mom! Who'd you vote for?" Mom opens up shoe box w/2 lft or rt sides & tells son "We'll get the other side later . . ."
The American voting experience is that Americans no longer care about 2 bi-polar brands, but what will work for them.
The tragedy of the Amer voting experience is that "Americans will climb all over each other for a shoebox w/only 2 of same side shoes"
This has changed, as in upcoming Nov. election, Americans voting for party giving them "functionality, return to goodie 2 shoes values" . .
The American voters now want "both a left & a right side pair of shoes that they can move forward in their lives with" . . .
Over past 17 yrs, Ameri voters "loyal to their bi-polar (bi-partisan) parties" & have destoyed themselves in the process & outcome . . .
Problem is, over past 17 yrs, Amer voter as "customers" have been ignored as to what they want & need receiving "bad customer service"
Furthrmore, "Old Century Brands," Repub & Dem "boomer & spec inter grp ldrship" not "relational aspect mrkting" & lose "customer loyalty"
"Old Century Brands," Repub & Dem bad mrktng strat w/huge #s game & hi turnover w/no loyalty/return customers-same as priv sector in CA
"Old Century Brands," Repub & Dem have "extrmely poor customer loyalty & retention" as result. That's why "A.I.s" & "Tea Party Indies" poplr
Spec Inter grps in CA politics tried to serve as "intermediaries" (middleman) for maj parties but failed miserably: Bad Cust Service
American/CA votes want to "disintermediate" political process & skip "intermediaries"/spec inter grps altogether . . .
Spec Inter Grps in CA as "political middleman" misinformed, never "made good" on warranties & cheated customers/voters . . .
Baby bmer ldrship inherently uncomfort w/"relational aspect marketng" &lack ability to "intimate" resorted to "hi-turnover" & "numbers game"
Baby boomers used same strategy in both business & political leadership planning and process w/disasterous results . . .
Boomer stratgies in both business & politics led to "poor cust loyalty & retention," the areas where"organizations make their most revenues"
Sociolgicl data confirms suspicions Baby Boomers "have issues w/intimacy & relatnships" as bus & politicl culture produced hi rates divorce
In bus, politcs & soc values Baby Boomers reveal have aversion to "normal relationships & intimacy" & revert to "alientation" strategies
Baby Boomers revert to "alienation strategies" of "cavalier, pirate, lone wolf" behavior because cannot handle "intimacy/relationships" . .
Boomer bus & soc media & pop culture of past 17 yrs-cavalier "badgirl/badboy" culture-also demonstates problems w/normal intimating
As I recall, the past 17 yrs of Boomer ldrshp in bus & soc culture "spanked" sentimentality because couldn't handle normal "intimacy"
Boomer culture, overall, simple matter of inability to "intimate" on normal relational terms, has undermined nation & globe community
Boomer's inability to "normally intimate relationally" is revealed in bus, political & sociopopular culture which has failed miserably . . .
Remember the "assertiveness movement"? Avoidance technique away from normal communication & intimacy replaced w/ "posturing/techniquing"
The "assertiveness movement" & resorting to "technqueing/manipulation" avoides appropr sharing of feelings, communication
. When the "badboy/badgirl" cavalier/pirate "mystique" is removed, what remains is a creature w/problems w/intimacy/intimating . . .
When the "badboy/badgirl" cavalier/pirate "mystique" is removed, what remains is a creature who "fears intimacy" . . .
Men, in particular, over the past 17 years have been "encouraged" by Women's movement/spec inter grps to "fear intimacy" amongst each other. Sports/Athletics is the only thing remaining of legitimate intimacy shared amongst males in U.S.
Males in U.S. now have been conditioned to have "intimacy problems" in almost all facets of their daily lives due to Boomers and special interest groups such as the proverbial "Women's Movement." Incidentally, "real" women's movers are the ones that seek to "get between and control relationships between men." This causes men, over time, as a group, to lack empathy and intimicy in their relationships amongst themselves and ultimately, causes problems between fathers and sons, as well, breaking down the functional nuclear family unit into a "dysfunctional family unit" while promoting generations of young men who have problems in relationships and with intimacy."
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