GOKATSURA-PALIN(?)2016 "SUPER INDEPENDENTS": I believe we are in an "Era of Boss Tweed, Depression and Company Towns," but on a national, even global, scale. Back in their day, labor would work at a single company town and then spend all their wages on things they needed from the very company that they worked for and at a price dictated by the company! Anyway, THAT'S WHAT THEY'RE DOING WITH THE STOCK MARKET. They want you to earn your wages from them and then AS A GROUP corporations want you to invest what you earned from them back into them as a group and essentially paying them for employing you - at your risk on the stock market! So, nowdays, rather than a single company town, corporations are a group whereby they encourage their employees, as a group, to invest their wages back into their own companies as a group. It's the same strategy of labor exploitation that was used back in the DEPRESSION AND BOSS TWEED ERAS, WHERE THE CORPORATIONS AND STOCK MARKET ARE THE DEPRESSION ERA "COMPANY TOWN EXPLOITATION" AND BOSS TWEED REPRESENTS CORRUPT GOVERNMENT. Simple U.S. HISTORY, folks . . . EARLY AMERICA REVISITED, HISTORY REPREATING ITSELF.
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